Peru’s Most Affordable Ayahuasca Retreat Center

Our Reviews

My experience at Kapitari was wonderful

My experience at Kapitari was wonderful. I was the only woman out of a group of 14 and felt right at home with Don Lucho and his family. Mamacita and the ladies cooked delicious food for us everyday and took special care in preparing “dieta” meals for all including a few vegetarians in the group. Don Lucho, Jeannie and Mamacita were also very helpful in advising specific plant medicines for chronic ailments and general well being. Tambo #4 was lovely. Thank you Mamacita for suggesting the lady of the group to stay there. : )

We were very fortunate to have Don Lucho, his son and Grandpa all present our first ceremony. Their icaros were magical and soothing. I highly recommend the walk to see Don Lucho’s farm land. His work is so important to the conservation and sustainability of the Manacamiri region. Thanks to everyone at Kapitari for your care and hospitality. I highly recommend this retreat to all, but especially to those who are first timers with the jungle medicine. You will have a safe and comfortable experience there.

Stokespix Photography

Words can’t convey enough!

Truly a life changing retreat and very well organized. My experience at Kapitari with Don Lucho was by far the most valuable trip I have ever taken in my life. Like most people, I don’t have an issue enjoying all the amenities of a 5 star hotel. But for this retreat, don’t expect this to the the case. Instead, expect to be surrounded by the natural comforts of the Amazon Jungle and the Kapitari tribal community. Their hospitality was pure and compassionate the food was of the healthiest caliber. Upon leaving, my body felt light as a feather, my mind seemed to be clearer than its ever been before, and I had been introduced to my soul in a way that is simply unforgettable. If you’re someone who is serious about exploring deep realities and discovering yourself in a different way, then this retreat is awaiting your arrival for an important purpose.

Derek H

We could not have been happier with our experience at Kapitari

We are a couple from Toronto and we came to Peru to drink for the first time.. Considering the experience in retrospect, we could not have been happier with our experience at Kapitari.. All your basic needs are provided for so given that your not seeking luxury, Kapitari is a top choice. The staff were great and along with Don Lucho and his family, will always have our support..

Mike & Carmen

Don Lucho held amazing ceremonies that were beautiful

When I finally decided to go to Peru to experience Ayahuasca, I was nervous on where. The most important thing to me was feeling safe. I was going to a country I’ve never visited before, with only enough spanish to get by in restaurant but not to negotiate something like an ayahuasca ceremony. Nobody I personally knew had ever tried something like this (none of my friends knew had ever heard of ayahuasca.) So I felt a bit on my own.

I’m am very glad my research online led me to Kapitari. They were exactly as advertised. The personal tambos (sleeping huts) were clean, the food was plentiful and the jungle was beautiful. I saw little monkeys swinging around my tambo and Blue Morpho butterflies over the lake.

The most valuable part of the experience was the people. Don Lucho held amazing ceremonies that were beautiful and the staff at Kapitari were excellent. Most importantly, Jeannie and Andy were extremely kind and generous people. They set the tone for the entire retreat. Not once did I feel taken advantage of. The entire group was in turn very supportive and loving. Even though we all came from completely different reasons, backgrounds, and we were different ages, we quickly became a family in a short time (sounds super cheese to me but it’s true.) There was nothing but respect between everyone for the entire trip.

I couldn’t recommend their program enough and I plan on coming back to Peru to thank them again in person.


Kapitari is an amazing place

An eye opening experience with an amzaing group of people. We started the retreat as strangers from all walks of life that became a family very quickly. Don Lucho and his family are kind loving people. Kapitari is an amazing place. Lots of good food, plenty of meals, a place to swim, and plenty of privacy to relfect and relax. I enjoyed myself so much that I will be returning for the December retreat.

Nick S

Being in the jungle made me realize how disconnected we are from the nature.

What a sacred place!! Being surrounded with beautiful people and nature made such a great experience.
Being in the jungle made me realize how disconnected we are from the nature.

Thank you so much!! Don Lucho and his family. I will be back~!!!!!

S Lee

Don Lucho’s ceremonies were amazing in all regards.

Kapitari is just a MAGNIFICENT place for an ayahuasca retreat!

Don Lucho’s ceremonies were amazing in all regards. His kind and gentile nature combined with awe-inspiring icaros made every journey a timeless and wonderful experience. The supporting cast is made up of lovely Peruvians who go out of their way to make you feel safe and comfortable. The setting is serene, wild, and beautiful with pristine nature, fresh water lagoons, friendly farm animals, parrots, and a night time sky to die for.

The individual tambas (huts) which you stay in are both comfortable and private. The days are filled with activities but not so much so that you don’t have sufficient time to meditate, read, or just have some alone time to reflect on all your amazing prior experiences. I HIGHLY recommend this retreat to anyone interested in experiencing ayahuasca in the jungles of Peru. Your authentic, safe, and out of this world journey is waiting for you at Kapitari!


Absolutley LOVED my time spent at Kapitari.

Absolutley LOVED my time spent at Kapitari. Don Lucho and his family were extremely hospitable I only wish i spoke more spanish so i could of expressed my gratitude fully. The place is amazing and was the perfect back drop for my first experiences with Ayahuasca and would definitely recommend this retreat to anyone. Kapitari and the souls that I met there will forever be etched in my heart! A BIG thanks to Jeannie, Lucho and Andy for allowing us to have these unique experiences, but more so for helping us along every step of the way. MUCH LOVE X

Liam B

Kapitari is where I go to marinate in pure love

When Aya calls, Kapitari is where I go to marinate in pure love. It’s where Nature finds my shoes as abhorrent as I do, and quickly, creatively, reclaims them—turning them into a termite mound overnight, or conspiring with mud puddles to gobble them off my feet. There is no need of shoes at Kapitari. There is no need of anything. There are no “trappings”…simply wee thatched huts for sleeping in, nurturing mud/fruit baths, giggles with the locals, reinvigorating swims, parrot greetings, cosmic night skies, global kindred spirits, simple nutritious meals, and the breathing, stirring aliveness of Mother Jungle. It will move you. Don Lucho and his family are open, kind and loving healers. For those who come seeking answers, healing, or to do the hard-hard-gritty-hard soul work, Don Lucho will safely and beautifully move you through each healing and journeying ceremony. His relationship with our many plant allies and teachers is exquisite.

Go. With Love. Xo

Carole T.

This BY FAR was one of the most amazing experiences of my life!

This BY FAR was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! So much so that I am moving back to Peru in 8 days. Don Lucho is the real deal. His icarros are beautiful and surprisingly catchy haha. He makes you feel at home and very comfortable…so do his parrots 🙂 The people I met in this group, not only the facilitators were beyond anything I could’ve imagined. I still to this day keep in touch with all of them. I would recommend this retreat to anybody that would listen. There is so much to say about my time there I could write a book. So, to not take up too much time I will keep it simple. If you are reading this review right now…GO TO KAPITARI!! It will be one of the best things you’ve done for yourself.


We were well looked after during the whole process and it felt safe

I was very fortunate to find this retreat at the time I needed. I am not a hippy, star child, new age follower etc. I am a Veteran. After spending 24 years in the British army I have come to question many things about myself and life. I spent a week with the Kapitari retreat, we were well looked after during the whole process and it felt safe. Don Lucho is an excellent shaman and I got the answers to just about everything in one night. Even as I write this the power of those visions overwhelm me and I want to weep. I am thinking of returning at some point. If you are looking for something, anything then come here and be renewed.

Gaz S

It was one of the most memorable weeks in my life

Dear friend, the fact that You are reading these testimonials could mean a few things, one of them is that somehow You’ve heard about this mysterious brew called Ayahuasca and now are feeling Her call. If it is Your first time and You’re looking for a safe, friendly and affordable place to encounter Her, I would strongly recommend Kapitari with it’s super friendly inhabitants, a very kind and down to earth shaman Don Lucho and his family, simple but awesome tambos (dwellings), yummy food and most likely an awesome bunch of people from all parts of the world. It was one of the most memorable weeks in my life ( probably THE most) I’ve participated in four ceremonies and all four were different. I won’t go into details about them for You will have Your own unique ones which will be for You to pounder on 🙂 Will I go back to Kapitari again? YES! Any time I have an opportunity. I am very grateful beyond the words for this experience and people that were involved.


Ceremonies are great and for many are truly life changing

Well, to try and define an experience working with one of the worlds sacred plants isn’t straight forwards. It’s known these things cater and attend to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues and areas with an individuals life. It’s possible you will have incommunicable visions and experiences of the ‘other’ dimensions and worlds. It’s entirely possible you may just find out the meaning of the word purge, and feel rather similar after it. The plant works in the most incredible way to give you what you need, not always specifically what’s desired! It’s something to be approached with respect and i recommend a little back reading, however the great thing about having Andy as a facilitator and Kapitari as a structured retreat is that you may be anybody from any walk of life with a want to learn and explore within; and the guys know what they’re doing. Can answer all of your questions and look after you! I think anybody reading this has to have some kind of knowledge to begin with however..
Kapitari’s a great chilled out place with your private hut, it’s obviously in the jungle so if you’re probably not bringing anything like a suit or heels. Lucho’s a nice man wih a nice family, I enjoyed both him and his son working together during ceremonies. Ceremonies are great and for many are truly life changing. I met loads of great like minded people during the retreat i’ve kept touch with. And a few special pieces of info and people i think i’ll keep for a very long time 😉


I hope with all of my heart that you choose Kapitari and experience the same profoundness I did

Our group is known as the “awesome ones” amongst ourselves, well at the very least by the end of the most life changing week of our lives we truly believed it. It could not have happened without our fearless leader Andy Metcalfe, who later admitted to us he was a little apprehensive in taking the group by himself as there were a couple of lads that weren’t exactly small. And my love goes out to my “Papa” Don Lucho who took us by the hand and lead us to “Mummy” mother ayahuasca with his beautiful love through his icaros he sung for 5 hours straight, OMG what a frikkin Rock Star. Even without the ayahuasca, just being there with every single person in the group from nearly every corner of the planet who I can honestly say I love with all my being, my family, was a journey in itself. Last but not least the beautiful Wahine (Chica, señorita) that kept us fed tight throughout the week, I cannot thank you enough. I hope with all of my heart that you choose Kapitari and experience the same profoundness I did, TIHEI MAURI ORA

New Zealand

I am so much more aware and alive

I came with open expecations and went home with so much more than I could have dreamed of. I feel like in connecting with Ayahuasca, my ideal set of beliefs were able to sink into my skin and come to fruition through my actions. I am so much more aware and alive and have greater expectations for myself and my life. I found a family in the faciliatators: Jeannie, Andy and Don as well as in my other group members. One of which is my dad and it was special to share this space and experience with him. As I am called to follow my path more diligently, I see with much more awareness the things and actions which bring good results and those and lack of those which cause harm. Everything we do will affect someone else and we have the power to create our lives through choice. Joy or suffering all is choice. Connecting with infinity is remarkable and my life is significantly impacted by this and the multiple ayahuasca experiences during the retreat. Having the sharing and review sessions with the group (family) was beneficial and helpful to find greater understanding, get feedback from others and gaining insights from their experiences and helped me move forwards in my journey.

While it is a personal quest and we had a great amount of personal time and space, it was comforting and familiar to have a group of people to share it with. Much love, I will see you again Kapatari

Kerri R

This is as authentic of an experience as it gets.

This is as authentic of an experience as it gets. First off Andy and Jeannie are two of the most amazing people to have facilitating the retreats. They make you feel at home and as welcomed as possible and are there with you every step of the way. As important as the ceremonies are, equally important is the communication with the rest of the group. The group discussions about your ayahuasca experiences after each ceremony, the interpretations, and the feedback you receive from everyone, all of it is helpful and therapeutic. Don Lucho is a very hard-working and kind man. His family and staff are very friendly and helpful. I learned more about myself in the 7-day group retreat than I could have ever imagined. The entire experience, the place, your surroundings, it’s all truly humbling and it’s all part of the experience. I will definitely be returning!

Charn G

My experience at Kapitari was awe-inspring

Amazing, wonderful, and enchanting! I departed on my journey to Kapitari in the jungle with an open heart and mind and both were filled with beautiful people, ideas, and messages. My experience at Kapitari was awe-inspring and I believe it was the people and spirit of Kapitari that made it so. Cosmic energies aligned to bring 15 people, including don Lucho, very close.


I would recommend Kapitari to anyone who feels called to the ayahuasca plant

When choosing to do an Ayahuasca ceremony there are 3 things that a person should consider:

1. What kind of person is the Shaman? In the western world it is very easly to confuse shaman with holy man. There is some overlap for sure but having spent time with Don Lucho and seeing the way in which he spends his money and his energy I can tell you he is an honest and down to earth man. He spends his earnings to create a working/educational/functional permaculture project for the local community to learn how to farm in a way that strengthens the lands fertility without the use of chemicals or heavy machinery. Contrast this with the recent influx of shamans who are motivated by money alone.

2. What do you want to gain from this experience? I attended a 7 day group retreat. Among our group there were people from a multiple of locations around the world and in addition to building lifelong friendships we had the added benefit discussing and sharing our ayahuasca experiences the next day in a group settings. The sharing of information was beneficial in that it allowed us to gain insights from others experiences in addition to our own. If you are someone who benefits from this kind of shared learning experience than I recommend a group retreat.

3. Is it safe? Nothing in life is safe we just fool ourselves into thinking it is … that being said and coming from a western society with only limited Spanish speaking ability. I felt completely safe. Any questions or concerns pre-trip are answered by email and or skype, the faciliators make every effort to make sure that you have a useful and beneficial experience by being excellent liaisons from the western world to the jungle shaman world. They and Don Lucho also hold the space energetically to allow you to have the best possible ayahuasca ceremonies with a useful growing experience.

I would recommend Kapitari to anyone who feels called to the ayahuasca plant


You have to be ready and show up for this retreat to get the full benefits

This retreat was exactly what i needed. the place that Don Lucho has created is beautiful. i enjoyed being part of his family. The lake is great for swimming. The tambos are situated in the jungle so that I could have privacy if I wanted to. The day after meetings were an essential part of understanding not only my own journey, but also let me see the greater context and connection between the whole group. the group was amazingly peaceful and commited. I gained a lovely new family. Food was great and fresh. You have to be ready and show up for this retreat to get the full benefits. Thank you Kapitari for helping me on this healing journey.


It exceeded my expectations

This retreat was a blast. The group had very good chemistry and everyone got along great, we had alot of great discussions and everyone was very caring. The staff did a great job of organizing and planning the retreat. The staff were supportive for people having difficult experiences. After the ceremony the next day there were integrated discussions on everyones experiences and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun sharing their stories. The food was pretty basic but very tasty. A lot of it consisted of some of the best fruit I’ve eaten in along time. All the meals served were very healthy and quite tasty for the ayahuasca diet. Don Lucho was an amazing maestro and his icaros were the best I have ever heard. The ceremony maloka was a good environment and it really set the stage for some amazing experiences. The only thing I was kind of disappointed in was the shelter. The shelters werent the greatest, very simple. There was only a bed, toilet, and desk in my room, and the power outlets only worked a couple of hours a day. However they did provide personnel space out in the jungle and provided a genuine experience of sleeping in the amazonian rainforest. For the price of kapitari and all the other fun things to do like swimming in the river and taking mud baths it was very worth it. Great value for the price. Exceeded my expectations. Amazing people, great staff, and a truly remarkable maestro. I will remember this experience for years and will definitely be returning.


The ayahuasca retreat at Kapitari was a really great, genuine experience

The ayahuasca retreat at Kapitari was a really great, genuine experience. Don Lucho and the people at Kapitari are very friendly, and we had a nice group to share and discuss our insights.

I can recommend Kapitari to everyone who seeks help from the ayahuasca spirit or wants to explore consciousness.


The whole experience was magic

Amazing experience. It gave me everything I wanted from an authentic retreat and more than I could have expected. This is an extremely affordable retreat with great hosts, beautiful atmosphere, good food, and two amazing shamans (Don Lucho and his son). These are authentically happy people that give off wonderful vibes. The people I met in the retreat really helped change who I am and how I think. The ceremonies opened up a new sense of happiness that I didn’t know was inside me.

I spent over 4 months searching forums, review sites, youtube videos, and asking anyone I could about picking the right retreat. I’m so happy I chose Kapitari. I look forward to returning. A fun fact and warning: two people attending with my group were actually booked at other retreats not associated with Kapitari that never picked them up from the airport!!! Luckily, they were able to join last minute in the Kapitari retreat, but be warned there are some real disorganized/shady retreats that could leave you ditched.

Side notes that may help some people: there are a lot of cool animals around the retreat including birds, turtles, monkeys, chickens, ducks, dogs, and cats. There were A LOT less bugs than I expected (I went in August) – I only got bit up by really small bugs (mostly ants) around the ankles one day walking.

I can’t wait to go back and hope they don’t change a thing, because the whole experience was magic.


I received everything and more from what I expected to get out of the whole experience

My experience with Kapitari, I feel, couldn’t have been more perfect. I chose the retreat initially because of the transparency of their website in regards to where the money went and what other testimonials I had read on other forums about their retreat. I received everything and more from what I expected to get out of the whole experience. The location itself and amenities were 100% authentic and yet surprisingly luxurious and comfortable. The facilitators who helped run the week were amazing and played a pivotal part in everyone’s self development throughout the whole time and I couldn’t thank them enough.

They held consultations/debriefs the next day after each ceremony which were just as important as the ceremonies themselves. Our shaman, Don Lucho, his son and whole family were so accommodating and took great care of us the whole week, let alone during the actual ceremonies. The ceremonies themselves were incredible. Personally I couldn’t have felt more prepared and ready to dive into the retreat head first and it’s all thanks to everyone involved with Kapitari. In regards to the aya itself, all I can say is that you just have to make the step and do it. Don’t take anyone’s experience for your own, the fact that your reading this, I feel it means your ready to experience it for yourself. Peace and love ✌

Karl F

You will be respected and cared for

I have visited Kapitari twice. Short Version: This is a very good place and I have lots of respect for the Shaman “Don Lucho”. To the inquirer: 1) You will be safe. 2) You will not be ripped off. 3) You will be respected and cared for.


I felt comfortable and safe the entire time I was there

I attended Kapitari in June of this year; after doing research prior to the journey to Peru I decided to attend this retreat. Upon arriving into Iquitos it’s hard not to hear the word ayahuasca floating in the air everywhere you go. After talking to fellow medicine seekers I heard positive first hand accounts about Kapitari’s retreats and how magnificent and healing Don Lucho is. As a solo female traveller I had trepidation in choosing the right retreat but feel like Kapitari was the best choice. Monika and Jeremiah were our facilitators and I couldn’t have asked for more supportive, informative and encouraging individuals. I loved the location, immersed in the jungle with the sites and sounds brings you right to the source of it all. I felt comfortable and safe the entire time I was there and have no hesitation in recommending this retreat for all seekers of mother ayahuasca. My life has been changed and I will attend this retreat again when the time is right. Many many thanks Kapitari!

Sari Marie

“There is nothing to fear”

The very experienced Ayahuascero Don Lucho, assisted by his caring family make Kapitari one of the best places to heal. The ayahusaca experience was a good chance to open wide the door to a greater experience of connection with Life and its unending beautiful creative force – less fear (which was something I’ve always dealt with) has definitely marked my return. I was graced with direct experience of unlimited kindness of the gift of life – and it has definitely been easier to connect and stay grounded in that awareness as ‘normal’ life washes over me again. Don’t get me wrong, fear and doubt are still here. But now there also shines the clear memory of having been directly shown a deeper, stronger truth. I touch that memory like a talisman to remind me that when all is said and done, “There is nothing to fear” (Ayahuasca’s words not mine)


Kapitari is a place of the highest integrity

Having spent much time researching my ayahuasca journey, I am delighted that I chose Kapitari as the retreat centre during my time in Peru.

The location is breathtaking and is the perfect place for connecting with nature. There are a range of animals living on the grounds to keep you entertained, from parrots and macaws to cats and dogs.

The shaman, Don Lucho, is a true inspiration with all the projects he is working on (which you can see first hand with a tour of his farm). He and his son are fantastic in the ceremonies and have a real presence and power to assist your ayahuasca journeys. Their Icaros are beautiful.

The facilitators for the week, Andy and Gart, did a great job in organising a week full of activities and also provided patience and care for the group as we all went through our own deeply personal experiences with the medicine. If your intention is in the right place you will most likely find yourself with a group of like-minded people which is alone, very powerful.

Readers should be in no doubt that Kapitari is a place of the highest integrity. I hope I will return one day.

James W

Don Lucho and staff take perfect care of you when needed

I love Kapitari and hope to go back soon. I did a lot of research before choosing Kapitari and also went by gut feeling that it would be the best choice for me. It was my second retreat in Peru so I knew a little what to expect, but Kapitari was so much better than the first time. It is a beautiful place, the lake is perfect for swimming, and personally I am not interested in yoga or art therapy that is done at some other places. Don Lucho and staff take perfect care of you when needed and otherwise you are in your own healing discovery experience, or sharing time with awesome like-minded people. My personal healing was incredible after I experienced higher love with the Madre. I can’t recommend Kapitari highly enough for anyone drawn to ayahuasca. And it is so cool meeting the Bora and Shipibo people. Just go.

Marie S

Thank you Kapitari for elevating me onto a higher plane of consciousness and in turn improving my life on every level

When you are called to Ayahuasca it is so important to choose the right setting in which to truly experience this other Worldly spiritual adventure. I couldn’t imagine doing this anywhere other than Kapitari. Unlike most other white linen and white smile retreats, Kapitari is a place for real people, run by real people and in the most idyllic setting, all for a very fair and affordable price. What also sets it aside from most other retreats is the fact that the money also goes into helping a permaculture project in the Amazon which in turn helps the local villages.

It is a true haven away from the rat race. The facilitators there were so warm and welcoming, making you feel truly at home and comfortable enough to share your deepest darkest secrets with them and the group of wonderful strangers whom you feel like you have known your whole lives. People are drawn to that place for a reason and every person there contributes to the magical energy, you feel so proud of each individual you meet there for partaking in such a huge and often difficult journey. Out of a group of 13 there was not one person leaving feeling disappointed at the end of the week, everyone had a life-changing experience they will never forget. My own was more intense than I could have ever imagined. It began with ticking off a checklist of my life issues and playing it all out like a film in front of me, offering puzzles for me to solve and patting me on the back once I had done in true mocking style. The vine has a sense of humour. It can also completely wipe the floor with you and show you your worst nightmares. You have to go with it and know that all of this is for a reason, if you’re a control freak think again – you have to be prepared to let go of any control or ego in order to go further with it. I ended up having a ‘break through’ and going to another dimension on the last session. No words can really describe what I experienced other than true Equilibrium.

I would highly recommend this place for anyone who is even slightly tempted to try Ayahuasca for the first time. Do it in a place as well run as Kapitari with a proper shaman like Don Lucho. Thank you Kapitari for elevating me onto a higher plane of consciousness and in turn improving my life on every level.


I am forever grateful for my life changing time spent at Kapitari

Kapitari is a wonderful retreat center. The facilitators are genuine, the location is beautiful, and the staff truly make you feel like family. Most importantly, Don Lucho and his son Wagner, the shamans, were amazing! So in touch with the medicine and great at guiding you through the ayahuasca experience. I am forever grateful for my life changing time spent at Kapitari and can’t recommend this center enough, especially for first time aya drinkers. I really love Lucho’s dedication to saving the Amazon through sustainable agriculture, and felt so good to contribute to his cause.

Hailee E

Don Lucho and his family are all amazing and make you feel completely safe during ceremonies.

Don Lucho and his family are all amazing and make you feel completely safe during ceremonies. The facilitators make everyone feel comfortable and answer any questions, they just feel like they are part of the group.

Kapitari itself is beautiful with animals running around everywhere, a lake to swim in, jungle surrounding, good food. Etc. Accommodation is basic, but it is all you need, it helps you get closer to nature.

I recommend Kapitari to anyone! I know I will be returning one day!

The setting is perfect in its simplicity, friendly staff, and intimate relationship with its jungle environment

The spirit of the ayahuasca is a formidable one – she is a powerful teacher and poses a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical challenge. I couldn’t imagine reliving the experience at any other place than Kapitari. The setting is perfect in its simplicity, friendly staff, and intimate relationship with its jungle environment. Andy was a wonderful guide and my group were some of the most intelligent, well-rounded individuals I’ve ever met. I highly recommend this experience.

Elephant Mushroom

Simply life changing

Simply life changing. Kapitari is a place that is so imprinted in my heart that I actually feel a homesick sensation when I think of the place.

When I set out to do ayahuasca i wanted to work on my fear of loss, I always had this fear I wasn’t good enough. I was in fact blessed with so much more than that. Don Lucho is an amazing shaman who held the space so well, and he absolutely beams light and love. When I received one of his cuddles I felt as though I was in the presence of a real enlightened being. I never wanted to let go of the cuddle, and even now I find myself with a tear in my eye of happiness when I think of him.

My whole life has changed, I feel so much empathy and love for people I don’t even know and all this is possible because of Kapitari. I feel open and alive in a way that i couldn’t comprehend before. My life is really blessed 🙂

The ‘helpers’ at the centre Nick and Franzesca are 2 of the nicest people I have ever met and they became really close friends. The idea of not seeing the two of them again actually makes me hurt, they had that much of an impact. Along with the lifelong friends I made at the retreat, I miss them all more than I can’t describe in a review. Every single one of the 18 people in our group came so far and I am so proud to have them as friends who I will always know and love.

In short, Kapitari is mind-blowing, the energy strong and positive, the people genuine kind and loving, and the setting safe, comfortable and ALIVE!

I will most definitely be going back, my life will always be blessed because of Don Lucho and the spirit of Ayahuasca and I feel like i am now on the road to internal peace and happiness. Much love 🙂 xx


Kapitari center is a great place to start one’s journey as it’s safe and affordable

Don Lucho was my first ayahuasca experience and thus I will always be grateful for everything he and his family did for me and my boyfriend during our stay. His center is truly for those whose intentions are for self-healing and discovery. For those who want to awake from their lifelong sleep. It took me at least a year to decipher and realize the important foundation that was created at Kapitari through Don Lucho’s guidance, his son Wagner, and Apprentice Ivan Schuls. Don Lucho’s ayahuasca was very potent and his icaros were ancient and deep-rooted. Kapitari center is a great place to start one’s journey as it’s safe and affordable.

The only draw back is that Don Lucho is a very busy man because he is also the mayor of his town. While there he did not have much time for one to ones’. However, he provided a space where like-minded people came to search. Deep bonds were formed at Kapitari as its a magical place that dissolves one’s ego!


Book your retreat today!

Why Choose Kapitari?

Choose Kapitari for an unforgettable journey of transformation in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon. As an authentic Ayahuasca retreat center, we offer profound healing experiences guided by the wisdom of skilled shaman Don Lucho and his family. Embrace the power of Ayahuasca ceremonies, cleansing rituals, and the enchanting beauty of the jungle surroundings.

Over 40 years experience

Kapitari Center was founded in 1980, and Don Lucho has over 30 years experience in serving ayahuasca to western tourists.

Beautiful Location

Central to the Kapitari center is a beautiful lake that is surrounded by many of our accommodations.

We're highly rated

Since we start running retreats in 2013 we have received mostly 5 stars reviews.

Peruvian owned & operated

Unlike many other centers in Peru, Kapitari is both Peruvian owned and also a family business.

Rustic but comfortable

If you're looking for a more authentic rustic jungle experience then Kapitari is definitely the place for you.

Affordable Retreats

At $850, our retreat is one of the most affordable and best value retreats in Peru right now.